“The very embodiment of the term Crooner. Knows his way round the ivories better than most, with an unbeatable repertoire of Classics and originals to keep you entertained."
Island Records artist


Quick taster
Quick taster

Beautiful Sunshine BBT Savannah June 2023

I hope that I don't fall in love with you Tom Waits

Songs of life Neil Diamond
Dear Jack, Melody, Joseph, and everyone who came to the first concert/clinic, I can not thank you enough for your support and attitude.
Thanks for coming, thanks for enjoying my originals!
So we are doing the next concert with a few more originals as well as familiar tunes, and as discussed can we still rely on you to help spread the word!?
2pm Monday June 5th
Tickets $20
To book, contact;
Jack, Joseph or Melody
on 904 880 0002
*VIP $34 with early entry,
and a signed book or T-shirt
$49 with both
I did a few more gigs since I saw you last and I believe I’m honing my thoughts and approach – please see new takes for some of the originals I will be performing* in the playlist below.
* If you are new, then have a listen and get ready to sing along, and if you have you ever thought of song writing I may do a short clinic session on it too.
Best as always