“The very embodiment of the term Crooner. Knows his way round the ivories better than most, with an unbeatable repertoire of Classics and originals to keep you entertained."
Island Records artist


Thank you so much for the great performance. Several residents came to me on my return to tell me how much fun they had and what a great performer you were. I heard you started warming up an hour early, before your official start time. You gave some of our residents an activity to do where we had none. I also heard that some of the residents stayed the entire time. Amazing.. because just an hour is a long time for them to stay seated and focused no matter what the activity. So thank you and please let me know when you are back so we can schedule.
Take care,
Celia Howell
MSDT/Activities Director
The Oaks at The Marshes of Skidaway Island
95 Skidaway Island Park Road 31411
912 598-3615
“Your free. Some people stick to things
but your very fluid. You’re a real artist, as if u don’t know it!”
“You’re a really good Frank Sinatra singer,
you get his…. timing”
“I’m a Frank Sinatra tribute act up in the
North East, but your tone is just amazing”
“I think you sound like Michael Bublay”
“You sing with your whole body,
were you born singing?”
“He can play the piano thats for sure”
“I like him the best, he’s got humor with his playing, the other ones are strait laced”
“You were excellent, and I’m old enough to know cause I go back to Billy Eckstine and all them other cats”
“I think I’ve listened to that song a hundred times but that might be the first time I’ve actually heard it”
“You love what you’re doing,
that love comes out to all of us”
-Live quotes (YouTube videos)
“a variety entertainer after a long tradition of Jewish singer songwriter piano player, but with a more jazz influence"
Alan Gestetner
Executive producer
“You really are incredible”
-Live quotes (YouTube videos)
One of the originals Ray Charles backing singers
"Ready for live entertainment, but not sure how to do it with social distancing? Our friend, Paul Toshner has mastered it with wonderful all-around entertainment.
Check out his recent shows!"
-Nechama Cox, Baltimore
"Today we were at a Baby Tosh concert at the Fox music store and his words really touched our heart. We would be happy to receive the words to a song about praying for the rich and the happy and also about the permission to cry."
-Avi & Netanel, Charleston, South Carolina
"Since I heard you the last time, what I've decided is I want to spend about 15mins in your head....that would be enough to take care of me for months to go.
You are just incredibly creative"
-Live quotes (YouTube videos)
"you are amongst those
who keep the world alive"
-Live quotes (YouTube videos)
"He sports a white fedora, speaks in a distinctive Scottish accent. With a friendly, bubbly personality that lights up the room and makes everyone feel welcome."
Hi, The residents loved your performance.
They would love to have you back.
Nicole Klinzing CDP CMDCP
Director of Recreation
The Bristal at Wayne
Hi Paul,
Thank you so much for the wonderful entertainment yesterday, we had a blast and the residents really loved you!
I don’t think I saw an invoice from you, I just want to make sure we actually pay you!!!
Courtney David, Brightview
Vibrant Living Director
20 East Burke Avenue, Towson, MD
“Paul has been playing at our assisted living community for two years now and comes almost monthly to entertain, and entertain he does! He is interactive, exciting and has been known to learn a song or two for our residents. He puts a fun spin on any song and clearly loves what he's doing. I highly suggest him!”
Courtney Corrosi
Activities director
Brightview Senior living, Maryland
“Frank Sinatra sings Bob Dylan”
Gerry Applebam, Baltimore
"Sings like Bono, plays like Billy Joel"
-Andrew Neil, Brooklyn
"Out of 400 million people in America; Pinchas Toshner is the only frum baal teshuva from Scotland, singer songwriter.
Uplifting thoughts, could be serious, could be funny, could be both, combined with music. The only musician who can really relate whats in frumkeit to the non religious."
-Jacob Applebam
Baltimore, Maryland
Paul presents a new twist bringing ideas in song with insights gathered in an entertaining and informative program. He has an “element of variety” in what is a uniquely loose but still formulaic approach. I believe he is is a cut above the rest."
Alan Gestetner - Pauls manager
please contact alan@babytosh.com
Hey Paul,
I'm so sorry I missed you! I have been off work since Wednesday. Please let me know when you might be in the area again. I got awesome feedback from your performance in December and we would love to have you back. Hope you're doing well. Safe travels.
Vanessa Ranalla
Activities Director
P: 724.672.4508
132 Nature Park Road, Greensburg, PA 15601
“The very embodiment of the term Crooner. Knows his way round the ivories better than most, with an unbeatable repertoire of originals Classics to keep you entertained."
Island Records artist
"I cant believe the level of artistry you're bringing to the people in these residential homes. I bet they'd never seen anything like it before".
Author, theater writer, speech engineer
"You are an artist in your own right, I just hear Paul Toshner”
-Miss Sylvia
(Brightview Wellspring YouTube video)
“You wrote most of these songs
didn’t you?
-Live quotes (YouTube videos)
“It’s Beatles, it’s u2, its Bob Dylan, Lenny Kravitz and Billy Joel, its jazz – you write this style and that style– you have obviously been influenced by all the songs you have been playing through the years. The world would welcome something like this now with open arms, the songs are timeless,
it’s an album like Sgt Pepper”.
-Orna Wellman
drama and English teacher, Canada
"Really good solid organic original material,
it has to be experienced live, they’re not simple in terms of structure nor in terms of emotional content."
-Miguel Cavazos, session drummer, LA
“The epitome of British pop a la Toshner! Light, serious, fun.
Paul's songs are alive, you have to live with them. Paul also sets the standard, when it comes to camaraderie, and healthy artistic sharing."
-Mesoud Benasuly
Bass player New York City
"Thank you for coming and sharing your brand of music to our residents 😊"
Grace Mantes, CC The Havens

"You don’t know this but nobody leaves when you play, with the other entertainer’s people tiptoe out,
with you they tiptoe in"
--Phyllis Baumrind Resident, The Bristal Englewood. NY.
“Fun show and great guy! Really got everyone singing and kept the energy up. He knows his stuff...... a great stage presence, and a keen ability to interpret on the piano. He brings large energy and encourages audience feedback in each song. This is an all ages show."
-Joseph and Charles Fox, Fox Music House, Yamaha Charleston
“Bar sales are way up whenever Paul plays. A quality style. Please do not hesitate to contact me for a reference”
-Andrew Hollett. GM Corus Hyde Park.
"Paul has been performing for a number of years in hotels in London I have been running. He is an all-round entertainer, has shown great engagement and is willing to go that extra mile."
-Simon Mclaughlin. OM, Danubious Regents Park
“Check this guy out, it’s a kiddush Hashem.”
-Ben Shapiro, The Daily Wire“
Thank you
One and all 😎

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