“The very embodiment of the term Crooner. Knows his way round the ivories better than most, with an unbeatable repertoire of Classics and originals to keep you entertained."
Island Records artist

Love and its greatest enemy, the mind
ASSISTED LIVING & residential communities
An experience to stimulate mature and open minded listeners
I have a variety concert of well known favorites:
The 70's singer songwriters:
Neil Diamond, Bob Dylan, Billy Joel,
Tom Waits, The Beatles, Leonard Cohen,
and Frank Sinatra, plus some of my own songs

“Paul has been playing at our assisted living community for two years now and comes almost monthly to entertain, and entertain he does! He is interactive, exciting and even takes requests. He has been known to learn a song or two for our residents. He puts a fun spin on any song and clearly loves what he's doing. I highly suggest him!”
Courtney Corrosi
Activities director
Brightview Senior living, Maryland
Dear activities director
I have built my specialty pieces to what I see as for more residential / assisted living type communities.
I develop my act continually in community centers and theatre spaces up and down the East coast.
Audiences always vary in age, and are familiar with; Billy Joel, Sinatra, Dylan along with my own sing along songs that go down great.
My web site is a good point of reference to help advertise a show, including live and quoted testimonials.
I travel and book my calendar dates a year in advance. I would be grateful to hear from you. Please be in touch with my agent Alan Gestetner elyemg@gmail.com or myself paul@babytosh.com as you prefer.
"Such a great performance! Baby Tosh was energetic, inclusive, and so entertaining! Residents loved the interaction and the over all joy brought to the community. We can't wait to have him back!"
Elinor Lincoln
Activities director

"Im glad I got to see you before I go" “I think you sound like Michael Bublay” “You’re an artist in your own right, you don’t remind me of anybody now but Paul Toshner” “You brought Sinatra back to life” "You are just incredibly creative" “More fantastic than Carnegie Hall” “You wrote most of these songs didn’t you? A very talented man you are!” “Above and beyond” “I like him the best, he’s got humor with his playing, the other ones are strait laced” “We’re not going to let you go.” “I’m a Frank Sinatra tribute act up in the North East, but your tone is just amazing” “You’re a really good frank Sinatra singer, you get his…. timing” “I think I’ve listened to that song a hundred times but that might be the first time I’ve actually heard it" “You love what you’re doing, that love comes out to all of us” “We say to hell with Bingo!” “You did a very good job with a smile, and that’s the way it is” “You were excellent, and I’m old enough to know cause I go back to Billy Eckstine and all them cats” “You sing with your whole body?” “He can play the piano thats for sure” "any song you play we've all experienced something" “Your free. Some people stick to things but your very fluid. You’re a real artist, as if u don’t know it!” “It’s my speed” "You don't know this but nobody leaves when you play, with the other entertainers people tiptoe out, with you they tiptoe in" “You are amongst those that keep the world alive”