“The very embodiment of the term Crooner. Knows his way round the ivories better than most, with an unbeatable repertoire of Classics and originals to keep you entertained."
Island Records artist

The necessary & the evil
Make you gathering happy and not gloomy when meeting your "favorite" family members
...any event
Comedy competition judging
Personal story songs written
Tailor made for your event
"Since I heard you the last time, what I've decided is I want to spend about 15mins in your head....that would be enough to take care of me for months to go.
You are just incredibly creative"
-Live quotes (YouTube videos)
"you are amongst those
who keep the world alive"
-Live quotes (YouTube videos)

I travel and book my calendar dates a year in advance. I would be grateful to hear from you. Please be in touch with my agent Alan Gestetner elyemg@gmail.com or myself paul@babytosh.com as you prefer.
for private party footage