“The very embodiment of the term Crooner. Knows his way round the ivories better than most, with an unbeatable repertoire of Classics and originals to keep you entertained."
Island Records artist

Short résumé
Living and working across the USA Paul has built up a variety show, and is from Scotland originally.
Paul started life as a musician playing in an up-market shopping center in Glasgow, Scotland and local hotel piano bars, he then got to cover the piano job for a friend at Mickeys Pizza in Denmark. From there he went on to piano bars in ski resorts in Klosters and St. Moritz, Switzerland. Followed by two residencies in London West End hotel piano bars before coming to the US.
He has performed throughout Europe and the U.S. touring as a soloist.
The faithful spin on popular songs; Paul is uniquely talented as a player, artist, performer and especially engaging with his audience. Paul delivers subtle messages of faith that go deep into the hearts of his audience, all be it them not being cognizant of that delivery, as evident at the end of every performance new spirit has been blown into the old bones, and it just gladdens my heart to watch the smiles on the faces of the audience as they take leave of him. You never heard anything like it in your naturals; melody, feeling, pathos, my boy never puts a tonsil wrong.
Alan Gestetner
Pauls Booking manager
"Where is the balance in drawing attention to oneself, or not making too much noise.
I make a living perhaps doing exactly that.
With eternal thanks to G-d, my parents, my Rov Eli, Mesoud and Libby, and everyone who lets me share, I take pride in being dedicated to a craft that brings joy, and with the right material; brings a deeper peace than without it, awakens the conscience, arouses compassion, and perhaps most importantly gives people a moment of respite in our so violent world."
Kind Regards
Your entertainer and servant
Paul Avrohom Toshner
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